News Article

Quadriz’ sister-company commences public comment period on ARR carbon project

Investancia Paraguay S.A. has commenced a 30-day public comment period on its VCS+CCB ARR carbon project named 'Impact Reforestation in the Chaco Project"

Comments are invited from the public about whether the below project meet the requirements of the Verified Carbon Standard and Climate, Community & Biodiversity Programs. Comments received by Verra will be published to the project record on the Verra Registry and must be considered by the project proponent and validation/verification body (VVB).

Impact Reforestation in the Chaco Project
ID: 2496
Program: VCS + CCB
Location: Alto Paraguay Department, Paraguay
Project Activity: ARR
Sectoral Scope: 14. AFOLU
Methodology: AR ACM0003
Estimated annual ERRs: 1,991 tCO2e
Estimated benefits over the project lifetime:

  • Increase forest cover by approximately 120,000 ha
  • Decrease the threats to 4 endangered species
  • Introduce agroforestry systems to prevent further forest clearing

This project was open for public comment from 16/06/2021 to 16/07/2021. Any comments received have been uploaded in the “Other Documents” section at Verra. To review their complete Project Documents and submit comments, click here.

Quadriz is the exclusive and designated entity to sell the VCUs from the Impact Reforestation in the Chaco Project.

Sales Enquiries, Contact: 

Nicholas O’Brien
T: +31 263 723 071
M: +34 613 060 968

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