The focus was on their pioneering work in REDD+ projects and carbon credit production, drawing attention from over 40 participating companies.
Gabriela Viñales, Quadriz’s Country Manager, led the presentation, highlighting several key points:
- REDD+ projects are nature-based solutions that not only seek to reduce emissions but also include additional activities that benefit the communities, the diversity, and more.
- The Paraguayan Chaco is one ideal area to develop REDD+ projects because it is a forest under immediate threat of planned deforestation. In addition, is the second biggest forested area of South America and works as one of the main carbon sinks in the world.
- The tropical forest of the Chaco is one of the richest regarding biodiversity, endangered species, and indigenous communities that depend on the forest for their livelihood.
- Quadriz’s innovative approach generates a quadruple impact: conservation of the existing carbon stocks; protection of biodiversity; enhancement of community’s lives; and sequestration of large amounts of carbon dioxide.
- Carbon markets open a great opportunity for both landowners and buyers to access an innovative way to diversify their income and reach net zero ambitions.
- Quadriz’s approach allows for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially: Decent work and Economic Growth; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Climate Action; and Life on Land.

Corazón Verde del Chaco Project
A highlight of the presentation was the Corazón Verde del Chaco project, a flagship initiative conserving 32,000 hectares of forest in Puerto Casado, Presidente Hayes.
Viñales explained that the project holds the highest quality standards, certified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCBS) with Gold Distinction. Recently, it was also recognized as one of the top-rated projects by Sylvera.
Environmental Table
Quadriz’s membership in the UN Global Impact chapter Paraguay underscores its commitment to sustainability. The Environmental Table convenes bi-monthly, bringing together local and international companies across various sectors such as finance, industry, retail, agriculture, and more. Its purpose is to share climate solutions innovations and experiences.
As part of the UN Global Impact, Quadriz will continue to publicly report on its sustainability progress, demonstrating its dedication to environmental stewardship and social responsibility.